Part of my job is to maintain the popular Angular widget library @ngbootstrap/ng-bootstrap. We created & open-sourced
this library back in 2015 as a foundation to streamline all UI developments. It helped us strengthen
visual identity a lot.
I also created the look and feel of the documentation website.
Rest of the job relates to training and coaching activities. I helped train hundreds of internal Amadeus developers across all locations. For that, I created 2 interactive training courses. Also, I helped setting up in the team what we define as “Consultancy” missions.
I helped pushing angular.js as a technical recommendation for any new front-end developments. The plan was to decommission the “in-house” solution, Aria Templates, and replace it with industry standards.
To ease the migration to this new stack, I participated in the creation of an internal 3-day long training course to help them better learn angular. I delivered this training in all our develpment locations, helping hundreds of Amadeus developers.
Meanwhile, part of the job was also focused on providing support to the other teams still relying on the legacy stack.
I worked on direct evolutions of my previous experience: re-writing a fast & reliable JavaScript UI
framework to build professional single-page web apps for the travel-industry business.
The team, later on, open sourced this project as it became the official Amadeus web stack:
Another part of my job consisted in creating and delivering a 3-day training course to help our internal teams ramp-up on the solution. I trained several hundreds of developers within the company.
I participated in the design, the architecture, the development and the maintenance of an internal client/server application framework. The goal was to provide products teams a solution to build next generation of desktop-class web-based apps. It has been used by hundreds within the company.
I also spent one year in a product team as an immersive experience, with the main objective of helping them better use our solution and improve their code performance-wise.
I joined the team in charge of maintaining the e-commerce website. I implemented a back-end solution to detect and prevent robots from scraping pricing information from the web site (dynamic blacklisting).
I also developed a few functionalities such as the real-time flights and timetable information modules and Flying Blue Program enrollment page. Evolution, load in production, internationalization, support and maintenance were also part of the daily job.
Slack-like chat application I have created and have been maintaining for almost 10 years. I use it on a daily basis to stay in touch with long-standing friends. I have rewritten it 4 times to experiment with technologies out of the scope of my daily job.
Source code on Github & demo available here.